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freenas 8 ftp configuration 设置

  • June 13, 2012
  • Published in Freenas

1 储存器 卷 /mnt/DISKNME

-- 改变 权限

--own root

--group ftp


2  ftp service on

锁定到主目录 / chroot

路径 /patch  /mnt/DISKNME

允许本地用户登录 / allow local user login



客户端 20  最大客户端数量

连接 0  最大联机数量 0 表示无限

    freenas 8 static ip route OVH

    • June 12, 2012
    • Published in Freenas

    9 shell


    mount -wu /

    nano /conf/base/etc/rc.local


    /sbin/ifconfig em0 inet IP.FAIL.OVER netmask broadcast IP.FAIL.OVER

    /sbin/route add -net IP.DE.VOTREDEDIE.254/32 IP.FAIL.OVER


    /sbin/route add default IP.DE.VOTREDEDIE.254



    ctrl+o save

    ctrl+x exit

    mount -ro /





      win 7 组策略

      regle local

      1 bios 开启网络启动

      2 远程桌面开启

      service bureau a distqnce
      hote de la session bureau a distance
      autoriser les utilisateur a se connection -- active

      3 关闭防火墙
      config ordi
      modele administration
      pare-feu reseaux
      profil standard

      proteger tout les connection reseaux - deactive
      保护所有网络连接 停止

      4 组策略来调整隐藏通知区域
      configuration utilisateur
      modele d'administration
      menu demarrer et barre des tache

      ajouter la command execution au menu demarrer - active

      Empêcher le groupement des éléments de la Barre des tâches

      7 组策略来 显示运行
      ajouter la command excution au menu



      Supprimer l'icône du Centre de maintenance

        1and1 augement volum

        How can I increase a logical volume?


        Step 1First, log into the server via SSH.
        Step 2Once logged in, type df - h at the command prompt and hit ENTER. The partition and logical volume sizes will be listed including the used disk space. In the image below, the var logical volume is 4GB. Assume that ~9GB of web content will be uploaded to the /var folder. The disk space needs to be increased before there is enough space to upload the content.

        Further Explanation: 
        df arrow image This is the disk free space command which will display disk usage information.
        -h arrow image This option forces the output to be in human readable format. This will display sizes in KB, MB or GB.


        Step 3Next, type fdisk -l to view the total hard disk(s) size and partitions on the disk. It can also be noticed here that the physical partition /dev/sda3 is using Linux LVM.


        Step 4Type the pvs command and press Enter.

        Further Explanation: 
        pvs arrow image Physical Volume Show command.
        PV arrow image Physical Volume path
        VF arrow image Volume Group name.
        Fmt arrow image LVM Format 
        Attr arrow image Physical volume attributes. The a attribute means that the physical volume is allocatable and not read-only.
        PSize arrow image Physical Size of the physical volume.
        PFree arrow image Physical Free space left on the physical volume.


        Step 5As stated above, our scenario requires roughly 9GB of data to be uploaded to the /var folder. Since the logical volume assigned to /var is only 4GB, we will increase this to 10GB using the lvextend command. The command below is to be used as reference only as the parameters will be different depending on your scenario. 

        The format for the lvextend command is as follows:
        lvextend -L +1G /dev/mapper/vg00-var

        Further Explaination: 
        lvextend arrow image This is the logical volume extend command used to make a logical volume larger.
        -L +6G arrow image It is specified using the Logical volume size option, how much larger to make the volume. In this scenario, 6 gigabytes is added to the current 4 gigabyte volume to result in a 10 gigabyte volume.
        /dev/mapper/vg00-var arrow image The path to the logical volume is specified last. The path to the volume to be extended was taken from the output from the second step in this guide.


        Step 6Type df -h to display the disk free space once again. The lvextend operation finished successfully in the last step however the /dev/mapper/vg00-var size is still only showing 4.0G. This is because while the logical volume was increased successfully, the file system needs to be extended to take advantage of the full space of the logical volume.


        Step 7Type lvs to show the logical volume information once again. Here, we can confirm that the logical volume has successfully been extended to 10 gigabytes. In the next steps, we will increase the file system to match the logical volume size.


        Step 8Type mount and press ENTER to display the mounted file systems. From the output, we find that the /dev/mapper/vg00-var logical volume is using xfs (with the introduction of CentOS 6, the default filesystem is ext4).


        Step 9To increase the file system to match that of the logical volume, we will use the xfs_growfs command if the filesystem uses xfs or resize2fs if the filesystem is ext4.

        Typing xfs_growfs /var or resize2fs /dev/mapper/vg00-var (depending on which filesystem is used on your system) will extend the file system to the 10 gigabyte limit of the logical volume.


        Step 10Type df -h to display the disk free space to confirm that the file system has been extended.


          virtualmin alias

          • June 9, 2012
          • Published in Webmin

          How to create a virtual server alias

          Posted 2009-01-20 16:29 by andreychek

          This tutorial covers how to create an alias for an existing Virtual Server.

          If you have a Virtual Server such as, setting up an alias would allow you to have point to the same website, and share the same email addresses.

          It assumes you have first logged into Virtualmin.

          1. First, choose the domain you for which you would like to add the Virtual Server Alias. You can do that by selecting the domain name from the drop-down box on the top-left.

          2. Click Create Virtual Server.

          3. Click Alias of, where is the domain for which you are setting up the alias.

          4. Enter the domain name for the alias in the Domain name field. This will be something like

          5. Enter a description for the alias in the Description field.

          6. Click Create Server.


            virtualmin 设置

            • June 8, 2012
            • Published in Webmin

            1. system - Account Plans

            default plan 


            Quota for entire server     
            Quota for server administrator user




            2. php.ini  修改 /etc/php.ini

            upload_max_filesize = 100M

            post_max_size = 10M

            max_execution_time = 60 ; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds
            max_input_time = -1 ; Maximum amount of time each script may spend parsing request data
            memory_limit = 256M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (16MB)


            3.默认增加目录 backup 方便 akee

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              Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 18

              Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 34

              Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 34

              Notice: Undefined offset: 3 in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 34

              Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 145

              Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 18

              Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 34

              Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 34

              Notice: Undefined offset: 3 in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 34