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ED2K-max_connected_servers 30 最多连接的服务器数量
max_hard_download_rate 250 最大下载速度,我的是2M的网络,全速是250K左右
max_hard_download_rate_2 150 最大下载速度2,应该是限速模式下用的
max_hard_upload_rate 150 最大上传速度,我的上传也是2M,但我不想全速上传,所以就设成150了
max_hard_upload_rate_2 100 最大上传速度2,限速模式
buffer_writes true 写缓存
buffer_writes_threshold 3000 3MB之后强制写入硬盘
client_buffer_size 50000000 缓存大小为50MB,内存小的就设小点
share_scan_interval 240 共享目录的检查时间,我设成240分钟了,缺省是1分钟,所以总在那里读硬盘
Last modified onSaturday, 05 January 2013 13:23
Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 169
- Published in Server 2008
- Read 3596 times
Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 478
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